根據香港法律,不得在業務過程中,向未成年人售賣或供應令人醺醉的酒類。 Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.
Only the best plots of Herrgottsacker are selected for our VDP.Erste Lage. In a 2005 planted fillet piece we harvest the grapes significantly yield-reduced. Among the VDP.Erste Lage our Herrgottsacker is always the tightest, the most meagre wine. Very straight and yet playful on the palate, delicate limestone notes in the typical sandstone fruit. Grape Aroma, grip, structure – everything you need in a dry Riesling.
Soil: The soil is clearly marked by variegated sandstone and loess, occasionally there are limestone veins - good drainage.